Blog April 12, 2013
Electro Sha'bi Documentary Trailer

Afropop fans will be familiar with electro sha'bi, the street-smart working class dance music that exploded  out of post-Mubarak Cairo, but we’re still excited by it's  growing popularity and the international attention that has increasingly received. The sound grew out of traditional wedding music, but morphed into an increasingly electronic dance music (and political movement) during the Arab Spring, and has captured the attention and hearts of Egyptian youth since. Now there’s a documentary film (the first, we believe!) about the origin and politics of electro sha'bi, and we’re excited to share the trailer with you.  Produced by the DJ collective Cairo Liberation Front,   the film promises to be a fascinating look at one of the world's most exciting, and least known youth musics. Check it out! 

  If you want more, check out some of Afropop's coverage of Sha'bi. We have a downloadable podcast on Egyptian Rap and Electro Sha'bi here, and a collection of live video's here. Keep coming back to for the latest on this raucous, rebellious sound as time goes by!

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