Blog March 10, 2017
Act Now! Arts Funding Endangered by U.S. Government
You have probably heard that the new administration has declared their plans to totally eliminate the National Endowment For the Humanities and the National Endowment For the Arts, which have been steady funders of Afropop’s work for many years. But this does not happen by decree. Budget decisions are always a negotiation between Congress and the White House. And it always makes a big difference what congressmen hear from their constituents. So now is the time to let your congressional representatives know that you think the NEH and NEA should be kept alive! You can visit your congressman's field office, make a call, write a letter, send an email. Don't be intimidated or think your communication won't make a difference. Remember, these are civil servants whose salaries you pay. And they do keep track of what their constituents are saying. Don't know who your congressman is? See below. Here two excellent organizations that will give you info on how to get involved, as well as current info on the NEA and NEH. And please forward this to friends and colleagues you think might want to get involved. National Humanities Alliance: Send a message to the President and members of Congress. Americans for the Arts: Sign the National Petition to President Trump to Support the Arts in America. Thank you.

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