The Germany-based record label Analog Africa is up to its old tricks again, rolling out a compilation of older music, presumably beautifully packaged and meticulously researched, that we can't wait to get our ears on. This time it's a collection of '60s and '70s forró music from northeastern Brazil, by the accordionist and composer Camarão.
They've released two tracks from the compilation, titled The Imaginary Soundtrack to A Brazilian Western Movie 1964-1974, which you can check out below.
On “Seireia do Mar” (“Mermaid of the sea” or “sea mermaid”) you can maybe hear why the label's calling it a soundtrack for a movie that doesn't exist—something about that big echoing reverb on the woodblock and the way the harmony rolls back and forth over those major chords, threatening to climb into another key. It's more playful than a spaghetti Western's often melodramatic scores, but it could fit in under maybe a more Technicolored, South American equivalent.
For fans of music from Recife, the accordion-based dance music forró in particular, or of Camarão himself, the record sounds pretty irresistible.
“Interviewed by Carlo Xavier himself on the 29th of November 2012, Camarão gave us an in-depth look at his own musical story in the context of the state of Pernambuco during the '60s and '70s. We also received about 50 pictures, half of which have been used to craft the beautiful designed LP/CD booklet (By Omma Madrugada) that will come with the music.”
The album comes out Feb. 20 but according to the label website, you can preorder it now and get it on Feb. 6.

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