Blog June 16, 2017
Documentary Series: Eritreans in Switzerland
Our mission at Afropop is covering music from “Africa and the African diaspora,” so this video series on Eritrean music in Switzerland could not be more in our wheelhouse. Exile Guayla is an interesting approach to the topic, too. Devised by Zurich University multimedia students, it's a “crowdshaped” Web documentary series. Eritreans in Switzerland and elsewhere were able to contribute and weigh in through social media channels like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and WhatsApp. The documentary is anchored by four Youtube videos, and it kicked off in March with an episode about Eritrean bands in Switzerland. The production values are really high too. The videos are (mostly) in German, but if you click that little “cc” button you can see well-written English subtitles.

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