For those for whom the weekend vibes can't arrive soon enough, hit play and let's take a moment.
Ahh. That takes a bit of the edge off, eh?
“Sim Bombei” is out fresh today, from the Montreal-based producer and artist Poirier on Wonderwheel Recordings, featuring vocals from Samito, who is originally from Mozambique but moved to Montreal many years ago.
“I wanted to create a warm danceable vibe that connects the listener with Africa and the Caribbean,” Poirier explained via press release. “A timeless vibe influenced by Kassav', the popular group from Guadeloupe. The lyrics are about not getting fooled by the appearances or the trends and still be on top of the game by being yourself. It's also the follow up of our song 'Sowia,' teaming on both with guitarist Funk Lion. Both songs are part of my new album Soft Power. I played 'Sim Bombei' a few times already at my gigs and spontaneously couples were formed, dancing together. That was exactly my secret wish with that song."
Much like “Sim Bombei,” as well as the ethos that defines Wonderwheel to me, the rest of Soft Power is an experience of jet-setting and global influence. “Sim Bombei” and “Sowia” are driven by Funk Lion and Samito; "Café Com Leite" features Flavia Coelho and "Me Leva" features Flavia Nascimento who are both from Brazil, while Daby Touré joins Poirier for “Nidiaye Sam.” Jamaican and Haitian influences abound, but then, he's from Montreal, so those should be expected. I was pleasantly surprised to see Mélissa Laveaux on the guest list—the Haitian- Canadian singer-songwriter known for being a pleasant surprise.
Poirier's Soft Power LP is due out on New York's Wonderwheel Recordings in June, and can be preordered right here.