Blog August 28, 2012
Meridian Brothers to release album on Soundway
We are excited to add our voices to the joyful chorus that should (with any justice) be answering Soundway Record's recent announcement that they will soon be releasing an album by none other than Colombia's Meridian Brothers. Because the Meridian Brothers? They are awesome. Strange, inventive, psychedelic, confusing, dissonant, virtuosic (have you HEARD what Eblis can do to a guitar?), and awesome. Everyone should hear their music (at least once. probably.) Okay. Enough hyperventilating from the staff of Afropop. Some facts- The record is called Desesperanza, (which means hopelessness in English) and it is going to be released on CD and LP on September 24. Get excited people! Listen to a track from the album below. [soundcloud url="" iframe="true" /] To get a better feel for the band, you can check out a 4-TRACK that Eblis did for our site. You can also hear more of the band's music HERE.

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