Blog October 11, 2012
New York Arabic Orchestra Presents Ghada Ghanem
The New York Arabic Orchestra, a highly lauded performance and education organization devoted to Arabic classical music, has announced the details of its fall performance schedule. This year, the orchestra is featuring Ghada Ghanem, a renowned Lebanese vocalist (and a professor at the National Higher Conservatory of Music in Beirut), as a soloist. She will perform pieces by Fairouz of Lebanon, Asmahan of Syria, Um Kulthum of Egypt. Also featured is Naji Youssef, a Lebanese-American cantor in the Melkite Church of The Virgin Mary, a religious order with an ancient and unique musical tradition that encompasses both Byzantine chant and Arabic Maqam. The Orchestra will perform in New York on the 24th, and Detroit on the 27th. Read more about the Orchestra HERE. And listen to Ghada!

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