Blog February 5, 2014
"Red Dust" - New Single from Dirtmusic feat. Samba Toure
Glitterhouse artists Dirtmusic drop new single off of forthcoming album Lion City, featuring guest vocalist Samba Touré (whose own music we've reviewed elsewhere). Give it a listen. [soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] "Red Dust" reveals a slower and more ethereal sound than found on the group's previous album Troubles, even though it was taken from the same recording session. The greater presence of electronic sounds and digital delay give the track a somber feel. The dirge-like bass line, atmospheric guitar and minimal percussion provide a stark, swirling -soundscape (or sandscape) for Touré's haunting vocals, which tell the story of a country recently ravaged by war. These include the lines: "How can we reconcile and forgive? How can we bring peace to those that hate us? Yet we have no choice We need to stop fighting." This album also features collaborations from numerous other Malian artists, including members of Super OnzeBen Zabo band and Tamikrest. Look for it on March 28th.

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