Blog December 20, 2011
Scholar: Chérif Keita
Cheick M. Chérif KEITA Professor of French and Francophone Literatures, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures 1205 Cannon Valley Dr., Carleton College, Northfield, Northfield, MN 55057EducationUniversity of Georgia 1. Ph.D in Romance Languages, 1984. Major area: French and Francophone Literatures and Catalan language.Minor area: African history and politics.Dissertation: Le Roman et l'évolution sociale au Mali, under Dr. Jean-Pierre Piriou. 2. Certificate of Global Policies Studies, 1984. 3. M.A. in French, 1979, with distinction. Studies in Belgium Institut Supérieur de l'Etat de Traducteurs et Interprètes. Licencié-traducteur in English and Russian, with distinction in 1977. Teaching and Administrative Experience
  • Board member of Africa Network.
  • Director, Carleton Mali Off-campus programs, 2004, 2006 and 2008.
  • Delegate of Mali to the Second Conference of Intellectuals of Africa and the Diaspora, Salvador, Brazil, July 2006.
  • Presenter, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, June-July 2003.-Chair of the Department of Romance Languages, Carleton College since Fall 2002-2003.
  • French Section Head since Fall 2000.
  • Director of Carleton off-campus Seminar in Mali, winter 2000 and 2002.
  • Coordinator for Multicultural Issues(1998-2000) (half-time administrative position).
  • Co-Director of the Saint Olaf College January term in South Africa from January 1-31, 1999.
  • Director of the African and African-American Studies Program from 1994 to 1998.-Instructor for the Carleton Summer Institute for Teachers of Talented Students(ITTS) in 1991, 1992 and 1994.
  • Coordinator of French Studies in the Department of Romance Languages.
  • Organized and directed Carleton's Francophone Studies Seminar in Paris, Spring 1994.-Director of Carleton's French Language Seminar in Pau, 1987, 1990 and 1997.
  • Lecturer in the Department of Romance Languages, Univ. of Georgia, 1984-85.
  • Assistant in the Summer Seminar for French Teachers sponsored by the Georgia Endowment for the Humanities, 1984.
  • Instructor in French for the UGA Independent Study Program, 1983-84.
  • Teaching Assistant in the Romance Languages Department, UGA, 1978-84.
Publications (recent)
  • From Outcast to Ambassador: The Amazing Musical Odyssey of Salif Keita. (Completed manuscript to be published in the Fall 2008)
  • “Fasiya”, 2006-07 Global Encounters Teachers Guide, Weill Music Institute of Carnegie Hall.
  • "Donsoya et légitimité artistique chez Salif Keïta", La Chasse Traditionnelle en Afrique de l'Ouest, d'hier demain. Bamako: Ministère de la Culture, 2002.
  • Salif Keita: l’Oiseau sur le fromager. Bamako: Le Figuier, 2001-"La Problématique du Fasiya dans la musique de Salif Keita", Jamana, numéro 39(mai-juin 1997), pp. 3-7.
  • "Nyanyama [Sooner or Later], a song by Salif Keita" [Malinke transcription, English translation and commentaries by Chérif Keïta], Sing Out: The Folk Music Magazine, Vol. 41, Number 4(Feb.-April 1997), pp.24-26.
  • "A Praise-Song for the Father: Family Identity in Salif Keïta's Music", The Younger Brother in Mande Society: Kinship and Politics in West Africa. Ed. By Jan Jansen/Clemens Zobel. Leiden: Research School of CNWS, Univ. of Leiden, 1996, pp. 97-104.
  • Massa Makan Diabaté: Un griot mandingue à la rencontre de l'écriture. Paris: L'Harmattan,1995.
  • "Jaliya in the Modern World: A Tribute to Banzoumana Sissoko and Massa M. Diabaté" In Status and Identity in the Mande World: Nyamakalaw of Mande, ed. by David Conrad and Barbara Frank, Bloomington: Indiana U. Press 1995).
  • "Historiographie et innovation esthétique dans Le Devoir de violence et l'Etrange Destin de Wangrin", The Literary Griot, Vol.6, Number 2(Fall 94), pp. 24-36.
  • "Le Sunjata fasa: Moule esthétique de la personnalité malienne", Jamana, No. 36(Octobre 1994), pp. 4-7.
  • "Fadenya et création artistique au Mali: Kele Monson et Massa Makan Diabaté", Jamana, No. 32(Mars 1993), pp. 26-31.
  • "Jaliya et unité nationale: Hommage à Banzoumana Sissoko et Massa M. Diabaté", numéro spécial du 10e Anniversaire de Jamana(Revue de la Culture malienne), No. 34(Nov. 1993)
Papers (recent)
  • “Praise-singing and Mande Identity”, in collaboration with Morikeba Kouyaté, Senegalese kora player, September 2007, Wheaton College, Illinois.
  • “William and Ida Belle Wilcox: Radical missionaries in Nineteenth Colonial South Africa”, Arts For Martin, Northfield High School for Arts and Technology, January 2007.
  • “Donsoya: A Matrix of Salif Keita’s Artistic Identity”, Harvard University African Studies Seminar, Spring 2004.
  • "Exploring the Musical Universe of Salif Keïta", March 7, 2003, at the Alliance Française of Minneapolis-Saint Paul.
  • "Jaliya and Film Aesthetics: the Case of Dany Kouyaté", presented at the University of Pennsylvania, Haverford College and Bryn Mawr College in October and November 2002.
  • Presented a paper on Salif Keïta and Hunters' Music at the First West African Hunters Festival in Bamako, 26-28 January 2001.
  • Several seminars on the Medieval Empires of West Africa for High School Teachers at the MN Humanities Commission Core Curriculum Workshops(2000-2002).
  • Graduate Workshop on Mande literary criticism at the University of Oregon, Oct. 27, 2000.-“Fily Dabo Sissoko et Marcel Jousse: Un dialogue franco-soudanais autour de l’oralité”, Colloque international Fily Dabo Sissoko, Bamako(Mali), 13-14 mai 2000.
Professional organizations Member of the French Honor Society, of the Alliance Française, of the African Literature Association, of the French Colonial Historical Society, of AATF, of the International Council of Francophone Studies(CIEF), of the Mande Studies Association(MANSA), of the African Studies Association.

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