Blog February 12, 2013
The shortcode below is how you create a simple form. Check the preview to get some clarification on what I've typed below. A couple of things are optional.
  • name="true" : Leave this, as this adds a name field rather than just "email"
  • button="XXX" : The text to have on the submit button
  • thanks="XXX" : The text to display after they submit
  • terms_text="XXX" : Optional: This adds a checkbox with the supplied text next to it for them to "agree" to before enabling the submit button.
  • terms="URL" : Optional: If you have a page with the terms listed on it (possibly at MailChimp, you can use this to turn the terms_text into a link to it
Remember to add the shortcode when in the "Text" tab, rather than "Visual" to the top right of this editor. Now when people sign up, they'll show up in the new dashboard menu section "My Subscriptions". And you can see on that page, that if this works out, for $1, you can upgrade to pro and get the ability to export all the users to be able to import into MailChimp. Give it a try before wasting any money on that, though. [simple_newsletter name="true" terms_text="I agree to the terms and conditions" terms="" button="Sign me up!" thanks="Thank you very much for joining our mailing list!"]

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