Contests November 10, 2017
Ticket Giveaway: Anewal (Etran Finatawa) with DJ Henri

Anewal, spearheaded by Etran Finatawa guitarist Alhousseini Anivolla, is performing on Dec. 7, 2017 at Rockwood Music Hall. Anewal’s music modernizes the sounds of traditional African songs of the Tamashek people of the Saharan desert, introducing new soundscapes with incredible results. Utilizing two-chord instrumentation, hypnotic beats, and an eclectic sonic palette that spans blues, African music of all kinds, and even subtle nods to rock, Anewal is like no other. We’re giving away a pair tickets to see them live.  

                To enter Afropop's ticket giveaway, sign up for our newsletter here and then send an email to with Anewal in the subject line, saying that you want to enter the raffle. If you are already receiving our newsletter, just send us the e-mail instead!

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