After we posted our program Afropop Live 2017, people began asking for a playlist, so they could support and hear more from these artists. It's a great idea! Here, in order of appearance, are the artists, the songs they played and, when available, the album that the song may have appeared on.
Support these artists and check them out if they come to your town.
1. Songhoy Blues, “Al Hassidi Terei.” Originally appeared on Music in Exile.
2. Nasiru Garba Supa, “Afropop.” Improvised on the spot. Nasiru doesn't have a commercial release yet.
3. Bantu Crew, “Oya Oya.” From Ageberos International
4. Mû Mbana, “Ukal Ui Nfa.” From Iñén.
5. Natasha Wilson, “One Day.” From Introducing Miss Natasha Wilson
6. Ballake Sissoko and Vincent Segal, “Asa Branca.” Not on any album yet, but they've recorded two albums together, Chamber Music and Musique de Nuit.
7. Jean-François Léger, “Samba Saravah.” From 50 Ans de Bossa Nova.
8. Zal Sissokho et Buntalu, “Mansani Cissé.” From La Palabre.
9. Daby Touré, “Ndema.” From Amonafi.
10. Sidi Wacho. This track isn't on their great album Libre but you should check it out all the same.
11. Mbongwana Star, “1 Million, C'est Quoi.” On their album From Kinshasa.
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