Peter Solo of Vaudou Game and members of Djogbé invoke the ancestral and elemental spirits, the Vaudou, to be present at the opening ceremony of the festival.

Peter Solo talks on stage with music journalist Leendert Van Der Valk about Vaudou and music.
Djogbé, a group with members from Benin and Togo, performs traditional Vaudou drumming and dances.

Vaudou Game, from Lyon, France, led by Togolese singer/guitarist Peter Solo.

The former Dutch colony of Suriname was well represented by Dray-ston, an awesome Kawina band from Rotterdam/Amsterdam. Four singers, eight drummers, some of the hottest dance music on earth.

This man plays an instrument that is a plank of hardwood, called kwa-kwa bangi, struck with two metal rods.
Surinamese Winti drummer André Mosis, with accompanist.

Fra-Fra Sound, also representing Suriname and the Antilles, plays jazz-fusion.
Erol Josué, Haitian Voudou jazz via New York City, with experimental cabaret flair. "I carry the cane of Papa Guédé," he announced.
Cuban jazz maestro Omar Sosa and his power trio members Ernesto Simpson and Childo Tomas, were joined by Ayaovi Kokoussé from Togo, and a dancer from his group, Foret Sacré.

Director Leopold Ekue Messan talks on stage; and below, with Afropop producer Morgan Greenstreet.