Afropop Classic July 20, 2017
"Making Farming Cool!" with TBS Holdings' Siehle Zealous Sibisi on Sugar Production in South Africa.

"Making Farming Cool!" with TBS Holdings' Siehle Zealous Sibisi on Sugar Production in South Africa. 

 From left: Tim Sibisi, Georges Collinet and Siehle Zealous Sibisi

Host Georges Collinet will take listeners on a captivating journey through South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province to meet Siehle Zealous Sibisi, a 28-year-old who manages his family’s successful sugarcane farm, which produces 30,000 tons of sugar a year.

Sibisi speaks on the podcast about the challenges of running every aspect of the agribusiness and the incredible opportunities in agriculture. You’ll also hear a poignant story about how this family reclaimed their ancestral land through a national land reform program with support from IGD's Frontier Leader Illovo Sugar Group.


The Initiative for Global Development (IGD) is a network of influential African and global business leaders who are committed to sustainable development and inclusive growth through business investment in Africa. Produced by Afropop Worldwide, the “Making Farming Cool!” podcast series is part of IGD’s Africa Investment Rising campaign, a dynamic multimedia campaign to change the narrative on doing business in Africa.

Afropop Worldwide is the Peabody Award-winning radio program hosted by Georges Collinet. Since 1988, Afropop has brought the brilliant music and captivating stories of the music of Africa and the African diaspora first to the U.S. and now to the world through podcasts (, daily blogs, reviews, events and collaborations.

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