In celebration of Bastille Day, the Consulate General of France imports a bevy of artists from across the Francosphere, spanning multiple genres and continents. Singer-songwriter Laurie Darmon writes sensual love songs tuned to the beat of the dance floor; Transporteur Bonheur taps into the energy of the street with confrontational joy; the DJ and producer the Avener is best known for his 2014 single “Fade Out Lines”, a deep house rework of Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws’ “The Fade Out Line”; the Marseille hip-hop quintet IAM spit hard-hitting, politically charged lyrics rooted in the African diaspora, drawing particular influence and inspiration from ancient Egypt; and Magic System, a coupé-décalé band from the former French colony of Ivory Coast, makes music rooted in the Zouglou dance style.