Bombino at the Highline Ballroom (Banning Eyre) |
Online music juggernaut
Pitchfork Media released a video last week of Bombino playing an acoustic song on the Highline in New York City. As Bombino explains before the song, the track is dedicated to the encourage of the Imouhar (nomads) living in the Sahara Desert. The track is a gorgeous acoustic dedication showcasing the infectious nature of Bombino’s music at its most simple – guitar, hand drum, and clapping.
Here at Afropop, we have been watching the unfolding situation with the Tuaregs in Mali closely (
). While Bombino hails from Niger, he is very familiar with violent conflict, having fought an armed conflict for independence in Niger and losing many friends and band-members to the violence.
Check the video below and the rest of Bombino’s