This week's Afropop Worldwide program From Nashville to Nairobi: A History of Country Music in Kenya tells the remarkable story of country & western music's enduring hold on listeners in that East African country. But this is part of a bigger story about country music in Africa.
Case in point: Born in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, and now a resident of Nashville, Tennessee, Peter One is now emerging as a U.S.-based C&W artist, and one with a remarkable back story. So remarkable that it earned a spot on the PBS News hour last night (4/6/23).
Here's a link to the PBS piece, a wonderful complement to this week's radio program.
And here's a link to our 2019 coverage of Peter One's landmark release on Awesome Tapes From Africa. Kudos to ATFA for another great find!
#Peteone #Awesometapesfromafrica #PBSNewshour
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