"Shangah" is the title track to Emmanuel Jal's seventh studio album, which means " I am, I have been. I want to create music which pays homage to my heritage whilst paving a positive way forward for my people.” - Emmanuel Jal.
The songs and the visuals combine South Sudanese lyrics with familiar Congolese riffs offering up a catchy retro sounding track which Jal intends “the aunties and uncles to also dance to.” The music video directed by Ogega Andere was shot in downtown Nairobi with the visuals capturing iconic images from the 1970s and '80s with vintage fashion and looks.
Artist: Emmanuel Jal
Music Producers: Jesse Bukindu & Mandalorian
Copyright: Gatwitch Records 2022
Distribution: Sudohits
Video Director: Ogega Andere
Executive Producer: Tania Campbell Golding
Styling: Brian Babu
Location: Downtown Nairobi, Kenya
Editor: Lawrence Odiwa
Frinant PicturesSHOW MORE
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