Soundin' Like Weself: The Trinidadian Rapso Tradition
Closeup August 15, 2017
Soundin' Like Weself: The Trinidadian Rapso Tradition
Here we encounter the musical and philosophical movement called rapso–an infectiously danceable rhythmic oration style that comes with a philosophy championing a Trinidadian identity in the face of a colonial history and a globalized present.
Salaam, Amani, Peace: Festivals in Goma, DR Congo
Closeup July 25, 2017
Salaam, Amani, Peace: Festivals in Goma, DR Congo
In a context of ongoing violence and N.G.O. intervention in Eastern Congo, a festival culture is emerging based on the concept of “peace-building” through the arts.
A Beginner’s Guide to Lusophone Atlantic Music
Closeup June 19, 2017
A Beginner’s Guide to Lusophone Atlantic Music
A lightning tour of some of the most important groups that helped pull together the often-overlooked Afro-Lusophone sonic universe.
Closeup March 28, 2017

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