
Closeup September 5, 2017

Closeup August 15, 2017
Here we encounter the musical and philosophical movement called rapso–an infectiously danceable rhythmic oration style that comes with a philosophy championing a Trinidadian identity in the face of a colonial history and a globalized present.

Closeup July 25, 2017
In a context of ongoing violence and N.G.O. intervention in Eastern Congo, a festival culture is emerging based on the concept of “peace-building” through the arts.

Closeup June 19, 2017
A lightning tour of some of the most important groups that helped pull together the often-overlooked Afro-Lusophone sonic universe.

Closeup May 30, 2017

Closeup May 16, 2017

Closeup April 25, 2017

Closeup April 11, 2017

Closeup March 14, 2017

Closeup February 28, 2017

Closeup February 7, 2017

Closeup January 26, 2017

Closeup December 20, 2016