Well, we warned you: Even though they played for free twice over the summer, we all knew a time would come when funky Congolese rock heroes Jupiter and Okwess were going to charge for tickets. My friends, that time is here: they’re playing at Brooklyn’s Littlefield on Oct. 3, and tickets are a (justified) $25 in advance and $30 if you buy them on the day of the show. You gotta to pay to see ‘em play…that is, unless you win free tickets from us.
Get a pair of tickets gratuit from Afropop Worldwide and our friends at the World Music Institute by emailing info@afropop.org with “Jupiter and Okwess at Littlefield” in the subject line (or something like that). We’ll email the winner before the show!
So…good luck! As anyone who saw them this summer will tell you—it’s worth the price of admission. But may as well save that cash if you can.