In a story described as "stranger than fiction," merengue emerged as an Afro-European folk tradition in the Dominican Republic in the 19th century, but rose to its present prominence in association with the DR's long-ruling dictator, Rafael Trujillo, who mandated the style as the national music in 1936. This program will feature rare recordings of merengue pioneers Nico Lora, Luis Alberti, Joseito Mateo, Antonio Morel, and others. And later in the show, we will hear stars of the contemporary era--Johnny Ventura, Wilfrido Vargas, Juan Luis Guerra. The program winds up in New York City where some 800,000 Dominicans have migrated to. Our featured guests for this Hip Deep edition of Afropop Worldwide will be ethnomusicologist and musician Paul Austerlitz and Angelina Tallaj. Produced by Sean Barlow. (#500)