Black, Greek and Proud: Negros Tou Moria
Closeup October 17, 2017
Black, Greek and Proud: Negros Tou Moria
Ghanaian-Greek rapper Negros Tou Moria is carving out new territory and challenging stereotypes with rap music that is deeply rooted in Greek language and culture.
Afro-Symphonic Folk: From the Coasts of Africa to the San Francisco Bay
Closeup October 3, 2017
Afro-Symphonic Folk: From the Coasts of Africa to the San Francisco Bay
Two very different Bay Area artists, Meklit Hadero and Zena Carlota, use their music to explore what it means to live on two sides of a hyphen: African-American, black-artist, Ethiopian-American, female-musician, to name a few.
Soundin' Like Weself: The Trinidadian Rapso Tradition
Closeup August 15, 2017
Soundin' Like Weself: The Trinidadian Rapso Tradition
Here we encounter the musical and philosophical movement called rapso–an infectiously danceable rhythmic oration style that comes with a philosophy championing a Trinidadian identity in the face of a colonial history and a globalized present.
Afro-Dominicana: The Other Dominican Republic
Hip Deep August 10, 2017
Afro-Dominicana: The Other Dominican Republic
This week, Afropop revisits the home of styles such as merengue and bachata, but this time we’ll be looking towards the most deeply African side of Dominican music—little known outside of the island.
Salaam, Amani, Peace: Festivals in Goma, DR Congo
Closeup July 25, 2017
Salaam, Amani, Peace: Festivals in Goma, DR Congo
In a context of ongoing violence and N.G.O. intervention in Eastern Congo, a festival culture is emerging based on the concept of “peace-building” through the arts.
Proving the Bubu Myth: Janka Nabay, War and Witchcraft in Sierra Leone
Hip Deep July 20, 2017
Proving the Bubu Myth: Janka Nabay, War and Witchcraft in Sierra Leone
Every year on Sierra Leone’s Independence Day in late April, musicians and revelers descend upon Freetown from throughout the country.
A Beginner’s Guide to Lusophone Atlantic Music
Closeup June 19, 2017
A Beginner’s Guide to Lusophone Atlantic Music
A lightning tour of some of the most important groups that helped pull together the often-overlooked Afro-Lusophone sonic universe.
Closeup March 28, 2017

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