Bombino- Album Teaser
Blog February 4, 2013
Bombino- Album Teaser
Thomas Turino
Reviews January 24, 2013
Thomas Turino
Portuguese Rockuduro?
Blog January 11, 2013
Portuguese Rockuduro?
globalFEST 2013!
Blog January 9, 2013
globalFEST 2013!
Blog January 3, 2013
Smoke, No Fire
Reviews December 28, 2012
Smoke, No Fire
The core of this album is a well-developed musical friendship between Stern and Harouna Samake, whose sterling kamele n’goni (young man’s harp) has graced recordings and performances by wassoulou diva Sali Sidibe, and, more recently, Mali music icon Salif Keita. Stern and Samake have a sound.
One Night on Earth, Music From the Strings of Mali
Reviews December 27, 2012
One Night on Earth, Music From the Strings of Mali
The result is astounding, not just for its technical brilliance, but its musicality. Gripper executes these pieces with the precision and attention to detail one might expect from a great classical musician, but there is nothing stiff about these performances.
Rise Up
Reviews December 26, 2012
Rise Up
Lyricism and simplicity are key to Tshikala’s aesthetic. The mix is never cluttered with unnecessary ornamentation. Clear, clean vocals—mostly expressing sentiments of true and undying love, and always in English—and strong guitar lines—sometimes clean, sometimes very crunchy—are front and center.
Joseph Shabalala
Reviews December 19, 2012
Joseph Shabalala
Reviews December 17, 2012

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