Best of The Beat on Afropop: Leo Sarkisian and Mwamba Dechaud
Best of The Beat July 5, 2018
Best of The Beat on Afropop: Leo Sarkisian and Mwamba Dechaud
"Music Time in Africa" producer recognizes Zairean guitar legend with "Prix de la VOA" and the presentation of a new guitar.
Ethio-jazz at A Tipping Point
Blog June 28, 2018
Ethio-jazz at A Tipping Point
Ethio-jazz making a comeback, insights from Jorga Mesfin and Meklit Hadero
No. 1
Reviews June 27, 2018
No. 1
Field Report: IOMMA and Sakifo Musik Festival
Blog June 25, 2018
Field Report: IOMMA and Sakifo Musik Festival
Preserving and renewing the Creole Culture on La Réunion.
Reviews June 15, 2018
Remembering Leo Sarkisian
Blog June 15, 2018
Remembering Leo Sarkisian
Paying tribute to the longtime producer of Voice of America's "Music Time in Africa"
Roza Cruz
Reviews May 31, 2018
Roza Cruz

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